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HomeVolunteering & Resources

Volunteering, Club Resources & Guidance

Thank you for volunteering!

Below you'll find drop-down menus for various topics under Volunteering and Club Resources.

Click on any and it will open up for viewing.

This is a work in progress and several topics will be added - thanks! If you'd like to suggest edits, please do so by sending an email!


As a volunteer organization, we rely on a few highly unpaid volunteers and like most volunteer organizations, most of the work is done by a very small percentage of the members.

As you may have sensed, we have embarked on a journey of renewed enthusiasm and are reaching out to members to help in this endeavor. 

Following the 2024 AGM, several members have stepped up to help, but we need to fill a few more slots and our club offers numerous opportunities to volunteer. If you’d like to get involved in any capacity, please email us or call Kobus at 201-913-2675 describing your interests and we'll match you up with someone who can get you started.

Below are some of the volunteering opportunities available described below in drop-down menus.

Thank you for your support!

Click on any of the drop-downs below and will will open up with details.

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Flagging & Track support
Flagging & Track support

Flagging is one of the most satisfying opportunities with the VSCCA. It puts you in close proximity to the track action and besides free lunch, we offer other benefits.

Please click here to see what we offer!

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Event Chair Assistants
Event Chair Assistants

Event Chairs run our activities, including races, tours, social gatherings, etc. To provide continuity we'd like to have an assistant EC for each of our events. These are fun opportunities to get involved. If you particularly enjoy an event, sign up as Assistant EC and help make it run smoothly!

If you’d like to get involved in any capacity, please email us or call Kobus at 201-913-2675

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Marque Champions
Marque Champions

This one's easy. If you're well connected with a car club, help us by arranging drives on Saturdays to our track events. Arrive for lunch, then roam the paddocks. Bring a 1972 or older car to the Spring Sprints and you can then participate in Driven to Race!

Volunteers would report to the Activities Chair to ensure continuity and ensure consistent branding.

If you’d like to get involved in any capacity, please email us or call Kobus at 201-913-2675

Marques that come to mind:

  • Alfa
  • Fiat
  • Porsche
  • MG
  • Triumph
  • Bugatti

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Drive Group Liaisons
Drive Group Liaisons

If you do drives on weekends with a local group, then this is a no-brainer.

Convince your buddies to do drives on Saturdays to our track events. Arrive for lunch, then roam the paddocks. Bring a 1972 or older car to the Spring Sprints and you can then participate in Driven to Race!

Volunteers would report to the Activities Chair to ensure continuity and ensure consistent branding.

If you’d like to get involved in any capacity, please email us or call Kobus at 201-913-2675

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Tour Organizers
Tour Organizers

We have a major initiative to add several 1- or 2-day tours to our calendar and need volunteers to organize them!

We’d like to add spring & Fall tours in the Northeast in:

  • Pennsylvania (have a spring one in the works, need a fall tour)
  • Metro NY/CT (need a fall tour)
  • Northern Connecticut (Spring & Fall tours)
  • Massachusetts (Spring & Fall tours)
  • Rhode Island (Spring one in the works)
  • New Hampshire (Spring & Fall tours)

If you’d like to get involved in any capacity, please email us or call Kobus at 201-913-2675

We’re adding these tours in 2025:

  • One-day tour the Friday of the 2025 Spring Sprints, that starts & ends at Lime Rock is being organized by Steven Eickelbeck.
  • One-day tour the Friday before the Equinox Hillclimb that includes a lunch stop is being organized by Chris Turner. One-day tour the Friday before the Equinox Hillclimb that includes a lunch stop is being organized by Chris Turner.
  • One day tour at White Mountain Vintage GP by Marc Cendron.
  • A Pennsylvania tour is in the works for Spring 2025 by Jason Urban & Todd Daniel.
  • Teaming up with Gaswerks Garage (Chris Turner & Gaspare) for breakfast runs in NJ.
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Marketing Manager
Marketing Manager

The club will greatly benefit from a spirited marketing effort.

Ideas include:

  • Exploring options with magazines for publication of event reports, articles, etc.
  • Advertising
  • Promotions
  • Social Media oversight
  • Marketing materials: Biz cards, Pamphlet, Decals

If you’d like to get involved in any capacity, please email us or call Kobus at 201-913-2675

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Social Activities Organizers
Social Activities Organizers

Our club usually hosts at least one "northern" and one "southern" social event that may include visits to museums, car collections, shops, etc.

If you know of a great venue and have contacts to get us "in", please let us know!

If you know of a great venue and have contacts to get us "in", please let us know! Email us or call Kobus at 201-913-2675

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Vintage Race School Mentors
Vintage Race School Mentors

The VSCCA runs a vintage race school every spring and we have volunteers mentor graduates through the process of becoming a full member, buying a race car, navigating the world of vintage racing, make introductions, etc.

If interested in helping, please send us an email

Mentor Manager:

Kate Liba, the friendly face who gives us a thumbs-up at pre-grid, volunteered to “manage" the mentors in terms of aligning them with students, etc.


  • Chris Turner undertakes to mentor anyone with a Porsche
  • John Oliva just starting racing an H-Mod and can tell students all about racing and buying a race car
  • Mark O'Day will help with anyone interested in MGs
  • Rick McCurdy is a long-time racer who "knows more about car failures and expenses than anyone!” :)

Mentoring would include:

  • Guiding them through the race car acquisition process - ideally of a 1965 or older “VSCCA car”.
  • Explaining to them the 2 types of membership and encouraging them to befriend members and obtain the 2 letters of recommendation.
  • Encouraging them to sign up for Driven to Race where they can test the limits of their cars on the autocross track.
  • Encouraging them to join us at other VSCCA events such as tours, hill climbs and social events.
  • Inviting them to return to the track on further VSCCA race days to meet with fellow racers and...
  • those future race days, have them experience watching one or more races from one of the flagging stations.

Club support provided:

  • The club prints name tags for students and instructors.
  • We’ll try to have the students park together in the paddocks, although that may be difficult to achieve.
  • We'll arrange for a meeting of all board members to get introduced - as a group, to students at one of their classroom sessions.
  • All board members to stop by students to engage them.
  • Students will again be encouraged to join us at the potluck dinner.
  • We’ll hand out swag at school.
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Social Media Gurus
Social Media Gurus

We currently utilize three Social Media channels and have managers responsible for content. If you're interested in helping, please send them an email. Thanks!

Social Media Managers:

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The club has a major initiative to add 1- and 2-day tours for members, as well potential members to enjoy.

Except for specialty tours like pre-war drives and the Nutmeg rally, we're looking at low-key, one- or two-day affairs. Volunteers would report to the Activities Chair to ensure continuity and ensure consistent branding.

The club would:

  • Promote the event and list an email address to the EC to keep track of participants.

Event chairs would generally:

  • Keep a spreadsheet with names, phone numbers and email addresses of all participants.
  • Make arrangements for morning coffee, either supplied by a restaurant of the EC can supply snacks and coffee.
  • Make arrangements with a restaurant for an intermezzo stop and lunch.
  • Scout a route and then prepare a handout.
  • Email the handout and route out in advance and have printed copies available.
  • Conduct a safety, drivers meeting the morning of the tour.
  • Prepare a budget for Activities Chair approval.
  • Provide an accounting afterwards and send funds to the Treasurer and submit expense receipt to the Activities Chair.

A typical itinerary could look like this:

  • Meet at 8:30 for coffee and snacks that can be catered or have people buy their own.
  • Allow up to an hour of socializing at the start - an important element.
  • Depart for a 1.0- to 1.5-hour drive along roads that includes few stops and traffic.
  • A one-hour intermezzo for refreshments and socializing; perhaps visiting a place on interest such as a landmark, museum, shop, etc.
  • The second leg to a lunch stop should be shorter because people start getting hungry.


  • Keep things “loose” but not too much.
  • Clearly communicate start times ahead of time and try to be fairly strict about adhering to it.
  • There are many ways to skin the cat.
  • Here is a sample tour handout